Garbage & Recycling

Town of Jefferson Recycling Report

Congratulations on your recycling efforts.
Town of Jefferson residents recycled over twice the WI DNR required 106.6 lbs per capita from June 2021 to June 2022.  In October 2022, John's reported that our residents recycled nearly 182 tons over the last twelve months.

Even though we did well over the past year, we can always find room to improve/increase our recycling efforts.  Please continue to make a difference.

Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce
Do recycle newspaper and cardboard.
Reduce your garbage.  Don’t burn it.

Do compost.
and refer to Composting.

Do properly dispose of hazardous chemicals and drugs.
Jefferson County Clean Sweep and Recycling Programs
Call 920-674-7430 for additional information.

Please see the attached brochure for dates and times.

2024 Accepted Hazardous Waste Brochure

Do recycle electronics.
Jefferson County Electronic and Appliance Recycling Sites
Call (920) 674-7430 for additional information.

Also see

Our hauler, John’s Disposal Services, Inc., accepts some electronics. See the following link:

Remember, John’s Disposal Services, Inc. accepts appliances, tires, used drain oil, etc., on its regular recycling route.  Please call ahead for large item(s) (262) 473-4700.

Town of Jefferson Collection Schedule 

Collection is done by Johns Disposal
Telephone: 1-888-473-4701
Email: [email protected]

The Town of Jefferson garbage/recycling pickup day is Wednesday.   Please refer to the detailed explanation below the schedule.

Click here to view the 2025 Recycling Schedule

Click on the image below to download a PDF of the 2024 Recycling Schedule:
